Toys R Us to stop categorising toys by gender in the UK
By Will Stroude

Toys R Us will no longer categorise toys by gender on its UK website or in stores, it has been announced.
The kids retailer will no longer divide products such as dolls under ‘girl’ or constructions sets under ‘boy’ online, while its stores have begun unveiling less gender-specific labeling on its aisles.
Toys R Us have previously divided their stores with gender-specific signs
The move comes following pressure from groups including Let Toys Be Toys, which campaigns for gender-neutral marketing in children’s products.
The group tweeted yesterday (November 23): “Great news. Two years after our meeting @toysrusuk has finally agreed to #lettoysbetoys & ditch the online label.”
In a statement on their website, they added: “We’d want to say a big Thank You to Toys R Us UK for bringing in the changes they have so far.
“This shows a real effort being made to be more inclusive to all children and the results will no doubt make a lot of children and parents happy this Christmas.”
The new layout being introduced in Toys R Us stores across the UK
The news comes just weeks after US retailer Mattel cast an adorable little boy in its new Barbie advert, in a move that was widely praised for helping to tackle gender stereotypes – click here to check it out.
Let Toys Be Toys say that despite Toy R Us’ progress some battles still remain; like ensuring that boys and girls are depicted playing with a variety of toys in the company’s print catalogue.
The group highlighted that there is still “nothing to reassure a car-loving girl, or a boy who would like a doll, that they can enjoy playing with these toys too”.
Let Toys Be Toys is also petitioning WHSmith to drop ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ toys labels in-stores and wants the Early Learning Centre to stop using pink and blue to separate toys.
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