Trump supporters claim straight, white men face more discrimination in America
Nearly half of Trump voters believe straight men face a significant amount of discrimination
By Steve Brown

Words: Steve Brown
Trump supporters believe straight men face more discrimination than LGBT people, women and African Americans.
According to a new poll by YouGov and The Economist, nearly half of Trump voters said heterosexual men faced a “significant amount of discrimination” – which was higher than any other group.
Participants were asked, ‘How much discrimination do the following people face in America today?’ and were given a number of demographic groups, with the selection of different answers.
Around 49 per cent of Trump voters said men face ‘a great deal’ [18 per cent] or a ‘fair amount’ [31 per cent] of discrimination.
In comparison, only around 41 per cent of LGBT+ people said they face a ‘great deal’ [nine per cent] or a fair amount [32 per cent].
For women, only 30 per cent said they felt discriminated against with seven per cent opting for a ‘great deal’ and 23 per cent said they faced a fair amount.
The poll – which asked 1,500 US adults from October 14 to 16, found 38 per cent of African-Americans faced discrimination with 27 per cent of Asian-Americans.