Trump unfurls the Pride flag on stage, doesn’t know which way up it goes
By Josh Lee

Donald Trump has been mocked after a feeble attempt at LGBT solidarity which saw him hold up the Pride flag – upside down – with the words “LGBTs for TRUMP” scrawled across it.
He unfurled the flag at a rally in Colorado on Sunday (October 30) evening, however his actions throughout the presedential campaign and a number of pledges he has made suggest that he is anything but a friend to the community.
Trump made history last night. MSM wants to pretend it didn't happen. He's the most pro-LGBT Pres candidate ever nominated by either party
— Chris Barron 🇺🇸 (@ChrisRBarron) October 31, 2016
While trying to market himself as a pro-LGBT candidate, Trump has:
- Promised to sign the First Amendment Defence Act which would essentially legalise all forms of anti-LGBT discrimination, from marriage to workers rights, provided the person can prove that the discrimination is on religious grounds
- Come out in support of the anti-trans HB2 law in North Carolina
- Pledged to appoint right-wing Supreme Court justices.
- Selected a running mate that believes in conversion therapy for LGBT children, a practice which is widely considered to be abusive pseudoscience
- Used the Pulse nightclub attacks to fuel racist and xenophobic sentiments across America
Many have questions Trumps sincerity surrounding this apparent show of LGBT support, while others have expressed anger that someone who’s politics appear to be so anti-LGBT would hold the flag in the first place. The fact that the words were scrawled upside down also calls into question whether the person who wrote the message has actually ever seen a Pride flag. Or a rainbow, really.
How dare Trump wave a pride flag at a rally. This is a man who used Pulse to promote his own agenda & dismiss the deaths of LGBT people.
— Dean Eastmond (@deanvictorr) October 31, 2016
trump holds a upside down pride flag on stage for 10 seconds and suddenly he's the most LGBT friendly candidate we've ever seen?
— . (@evxnc) November 1, 2016
Trump goes on stage with Pride flag that say "LGBT for Trump"
Me:— Loading… (@Ivanchapman1) November 1, 2016
So Donald Trump holds up a pride flag (upside down btw) and we're suddenly meant to forget all the homophobic shit he's said and done.
— 𝖙𝖔𝖒 (@Inquis_) November 1, 2016
Get. Your. Filthy. Tiny. Orange. Fingers. Off. Of. Our. Flag.
— James (@JamesFl) November 1, 2016