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UKIP Politician Drops Out of Leadership Race

By Josh Lee

Gay UKIP politician Peter Whittle has dropped out of the race to become the party’s leader.

UKIP is currently hosting a second leadership election after the resignations of Nigel Farage and Diane James.

Whittle is one of the party’s senior figures and ran as its candidate in London’s mayoral election aerlier this year.

Whittle’s decision comes despite what he describes as encouragement and commitment from UKIP supporters all over the country.

In a message on Facebook the UKIP politician said that “to meet the new challenges which the future holds, UKIP needs a leader who knows the party inside out and who can command the loyalty of members across the board.

“Furthermore, yesterday’s High Court ruling also suggests that the battle to ensure that the Leave vote in the referendum is respected is far from over and UKIP is needed more than ever”.

He went on to encourage UKIP members to vote for racer Paul Nuttal since his “political experience, his dedication to the values of the party and the obvious affection in which he is held by members make him the person who is best placed to take us forward.”