US public schools are ‘inadequate’ in protecting and educating LGBT students, report finds

by the Human Rights Watch has revealed that many public schools across the US are “inadequate” in protecting and educating LGBT students.
The report states that only 19 US states have anti-bullying laws in public schools that protect LGBT students.
Teachers in schools across Arizona are banned from teaching students safe methods of homosexual sex and Alabama are forced to teach students that “homosexuality is not a lifestyle acceptable to the general public.”
According to Gay Star News, the report also reveals that transgender and gender non-conforming students have been ignored.
Public schools have “failed to ensure they enjoy the same academic and extracurricular benefits as their non-transgender peers.”
One anonymous respondent of the report is a teacher who revealed that when she attempted to start a gay-straight alliance group, parents tried to get her fired.
The Human Rights Watch have stated that these attitudes have increased bullying and intolerance within public schools.
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