Watch | YouTube star Calum McSwiggan apologises for bareback porn past

A YouTube star who has consistently promoted safer sex through his videos has apologised for engaging in a series of bareback porn shows as a younger man.
YouTube star Calum McSwiggan says that participating in a series of live webcam shows as a 19-year-old, in which he engaged in bareback sex with two friends, has “come back to haunt him every single day”.
The now 25-year-old explains he has faced blackmail threats since rising to fame as a vlogger over the last couple of years, with one person even threatening to send recordings of the shows to his mother.
“Making this public knowledge today is my way of moving on. But I know in one way or another, this is going to affect me for the rest of my life,” he says.
Calum says what started out as “nothing more than chatting to viewers on a live feed” escalated “into so much more”, and he felt over his head.
“I want this video to serve as a warning to other people out there, thinking about going into the porn industry,” he adds.
“If you want to go into porn because you are super passionate about it, and that’s what you want to do with your life, then all the more power to you, I think that’s great.
“But if you are just doing it because it’s easy money, then I really, really strongly urge you to consider the consequences, the long-term consequences, and reconsider.”
Back in September last year, McSwiggan collaborated with charity It Starts With Me on an online video campaign promoting safe sex in the lead up to National HIV Testing Week 2015.
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