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William Hague “deeply saddened” by Uganda anti-gay bill

By Sam Rigby


Foreign Secretary William Hague has said that he is “deeply saddened and disappointed” after Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni signed a new anti-gay bill yesterday (February 24).

Museveni described gays as “disgusting” after signing the bill, which extends the country’s laws against homosexuality.

Gay people could now face life imprisonment if they continue to break the laws, while those who offer help to the gay community could also face custodial sentences.

Hague said: “The UK strongly opposes all discrimination on any grounds. We question the Bill’s compatibility with Uganda’s constitution and international treaty obligations.

“There can be no doubt that this Bill will increase persecution and discrimination of Ugandans, as well as damage Uganda’s reputation internationally.”

Denmark, Norway and the Netherlands have suspended aid to Uganda following the introduction of the new laws, while the US and Canada have both stated that they will now review their relationships with Uganda.

> Uganda’s President signs anti-gay bill on live television
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