Woman’s vile transphobic tirade caught on camera on New York subway

A New York woman called Pearl Love filmed a transphobic attack she experienced on the city’s subway last week.
Love says that she was riding the subway last Thursday (April 28) when a woman sitting across from her started verbally assaulting her. After several minutes, she started to film the encounter, which ends in what appears to be physical assault, Towleroad reports.
In a post accompanying the video, Love – who is a social worker for Translatina Network – says that the unknown woman hit her and even though the train was crowded, none of her fellow passengers came to her aid.
Hi. Everyone, it’s Pearl :
I am an outreach social worker for Trans Latina network and an Asian transgender individual. Today is 4.28.16 Thursday. I work in big event for the center – the 8th annual immigration fare & culture event. Between 4:30-4:45 pm. I was on 6 train from Bronx to the LGBT center to work , when I change 6 train to 4 express train in 125 st station an unknown woman sitting across me starter to verbally abuse me. Make lot of s**t comments about how much she hate Trans people and want me to suck her d**k. She also made racist comments. I ignored her and kept reading my book.
When the train got to 86 st she start getting so loud and crazy yelling at me so I started to record her on my phone can- she start getting even louder and start assault me and hit me. As you can see it’s definitely a hate crime. She attacked me inside the train . When I retreated she threw all my stuff on the floor and chased me around the train and say she is going to find a stick to hit me.
It was a crowded train and everyone heard it but no one helped me. Guys acting like nothing happened. For 5 min. Then when the train stop on 42 st. She got out of train but keep yelling at me, I recorded 4 videos around 3.5 min. Thanks to an older guy who helped me pick my stuff up and put it back my bag, and said sorry to me. So now you can understand what’s happening in my everyday life. That happens all the time. But it’s my first time recording it.
….Well she has a lot to learn . She need education to how to respect, learn not to be discriminatory against the Trans Community . I am so sad for her children. Have that kind of mother to teach them to grow up to be bigoted a**holes .
Speaking to Gawker’s Rich Juzwiak
following the incident, Love said: “All transgender people probably know that’s everyday life, people will tell you, ‘Don’t sit in front of me. I don’t want to see you in front of me. Fuck off.’, she explained.
“I didn’t know that much was wrong with it until people told me, because I get that all the time, I thought it was kind of normal—people are just not nice”.
Words: Norberto Paredes
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