Attitude Pride Award winner: Albert Kennedy Trust ambassador Emmanuel Okoghenu

Emmanuel Okoghenu ran away from home out of fear of being sent back to Nigeria to be ‘cured’. He is now an ambassador for the Albert Kennedy Trust, and we’re thrilled to award him one of our inaugural Attitude Pride Awards in tonight’s ceremony, in association with Delta Air Lines. Watch Emmanuel tell his story in his own words below:
Okoghenu, 23, has faced some immense challenges. The son of deeply religious Nigerian parents, he was forced to run away from home at the age of 17 after his abusive father refused to accept that his son was gay. While struggling with homelessness, with the aid of the Albert Kennedy Trust, Emmanuel worked hard to get back on his feet. He completed his A-levels, secured a place at university and now gives back to the charity that supported him by representing them as an Ambassador promoting the organisation’s message to others.
You can read more about Emmanuel and the rest of our wonderful Attitude Pride Award winners in the new issue of Attitude, in shops now. You can download the mag from or order a copy from