Sinitta interview: ‘I like vodka and tequila, preferably together’
By Nick Levine

The inimitable Sinitta is relaunching her pop career, at Pride in London this Saturday (June 28), with a cover of her mum (!) Miquel Brown’s classic disco hit So Many Men, So Little Time… and why the hell not, eh? She’s Sinitta FFS.
I got her on the phone to find out more about her Pride performance, that comeback single and whether we’ll be seeing her on The X Factor this year.
How are you feeling about officially relaunching your pop career at Pride in London on Saturday?
“It’s very exciting! I’m getting the buzz back, and thinking, wouldn’t it be nice to have a summer hit? It’s going to be kind of surreal on Saturday but I think it’s going to be great.”
What can you tell us about your performance?
“Ooh, I don’t know… because I’m yet to see how big the stage is. I want as many hot boys on stage with me as possible though! I hope the stage is reachable from the audience, because if I don’t have enough boys I’ll be pulling them up from the crowd – you know, cherry-picking the hot boys. I’m on at 4pm on the main stage in Trafalgar Square and I’m doing three songs, so you’ll be able to finish the parade, have a few drinks then get ready to party.”
Is this really the first time you’ve performed at Pride in London?
“Yes! That’s crazy right? I think my first pride was in Manchester years ago, but this year I’m doing lots of them: London Pride, Northern Pride, one in Ireland… I’m actually flying to Ireland at midnight on the day of Pride in London, so it’s all go!”
What advice would you give to anyone attending their first Pride this year – what are your “dos” and “don’ts”?
“Well, definitely get an early night the day before so you arrive looking fresh and gorgeous – you wanna look hot and show you’re proud of who you are. Do not drink before you get there, and do bring water. Don’t get messy too early – get messy later on when everyone else is messy and won’t notice!”
Why do you think your gay fans have always been so behind you through the years?
“I think it’s because the gay scene is where I came from. You know, I was with my mum when she was performing her big hit [So Many Men, So Little Time] in all the gay clubs, and when it was my time, I knew I wanted to make that kind of record too. My first gigs were all at gay clubs like Heaven and Fire Island in Scotland, so I’m kind of a product of the gay community – it’s like, ‘she’s not a gay boy but don’t tell her that, we all like boys the same!'”
What made you want to cover your mum’s big hit now – surely you could have done it years ago if you’d wanted?
“Well, originally we were just gonna use the loop and drums [from the original track] on a new song, but while I was listening to it in the recording booth, I started singing the original lyrics, imitating my mum. We were like, do you know what, let’s just do a full-on cover. We did and we loved it, so we decided to go with it as the first single.”
Has your mum given you her blessing?
“She has! I actually wanted her to appear on the track but she couldn’t make it down to the studio that day. I’m sure I’ll perform it with her at some point though – if it’s a hit, I have to. Imagine it, ‘Ladies and gentleman, here’s Miquel Brown…'”
Has your pal Simon heard the single yet?
“No, but he’s going to hear it this weekend. He knows it’s happening but he hasn’t actually heard it yet. I’m ready for him to hear it now.”
Do you think he’ll give you honest feedback?
“Oh he’ll be honest all-right. I think he’ll like it, I think he’ll get it… but if he doesn’t, then oops it’s too late honey!”
How’s the album coming along? How many tracks have you recorded?
“We’ve done about six tracks now – theres another cover, which I can’t tell you about yet, then the rest are originals. Some of the tracks are a bit clubby, then some are pour-my-heart-out, dear diary, he-did-this-he-did-that-what-should-I-do tracks. You gotta get it all off your chest, you know?”
Why have you decided to record another album now? It’s been a while…
“Oh my gosh, yes, it’s been 20 odd years! We talked about it for a long time, and then it was like, finally, get in there girl! I think the PWL reunion gig at The O2 a couple of years ago was really the starting point. The guys from the record company approached me and said, ‘We loved your performance, you looked great, would you like to make a record?’ I was like, ‘Sure, why not?’ I wasn’t sure if I was going to hear from them again but they kept emailing me and pushing me about it, and once we got in the studio, it all happened quickly. There wasn’t really a master plan – a bit like my whole career!”
Your signature hit So Macho turns 30 next year. Why do you think you’ve lasted – you’re still on TV, still performing, still being Sinitta…
“Do you know what, I really don’t know. I guess I’ve never been someone that’s totally hung up on massive success. I grew up in a time when just being able to pay your bills and make money doing what you love was success – it wasn’t about huge fame, you know? The fact I’ve been in the industry all this time, always doing something that I love, that’s success for me. I never thought I wasn’t successful if I wasn’t singing at Wembley and The O2. You know, if I can’t sing at Wembley and The O2, then I’ll sing at Butlins. And if this record goes on to become a big hit, I’ll still sing at Butlins, they’ll just have to pay me more!”
Another thing I have to ask: how do you still look so good?
“Oh thank you Nick! “I do work out – I do Pilates or go to the gym three times a week. In the week I eat healthy – no refined sugar, plus loads of fruit and veg. But at the weekends I have what I want. And I do drink: I drink vodka and tequila, preferably together. I call them ‘Sinittatinis’. Oh my gosh, on Saturday when I get off stage, I want one of those in my hand as I put the mic back on its stand.”
Will you be back on The X Factor this year for Judges’ Houses?
“It hasn’t been confirmed yet but I’d love to do it – I’d love to be back on the show as Simon’s right-hand woman. I love The X Factor and what we’ve achieved with Leona, Olly and One Direction over the years. With all of the judges coming back and Mel B joining the panel, I think it’s gonna be a great series so I would love to be involved this year.”
Do you think Mel B is a good choice?
“Oh yes, definitely – we need to spice it up a bit, excuse the pun! I think she will bring something new to the panel. You know, the Spice Girls were the biggest band in the world for two years but Girls Aloud lasted for about 12 years, so there’s rivalry there. Then there’s Cheryl vs. Louis, Simon vs. Louis… they’ve all got something to prove and they all really wanna win it.”
After the show wasn’t as successful last year, do you think Simon sees this series as make or break?
“You know, it’s not so much make or break – more that he’s excited to be back. I think he thought he was losing some of his edge and his creativity being based in America, so now it’s really nice for him to be back in the UK. This show is his first love, his baby – and now he can put all of his energy into it and find someone amazing.”
Sinitta performs on the main stage in Trafalgar Square at Pride in London this Saturday (June 28) at 4pm.
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