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Watch: Here’s how you deal with homophobic Pride protestors

By Nick Bond

Chester held its annual Pride Festival over the weekend, and while it was hailed as the ‘biggest and best yet’ by organisers, it wasn’t without a few evangelical protesters who showed up to tout their usual anti-gay fire and brimstone messages.

However, one man in particular saw the protestors’ attendance not as a problem, but an opportunity. In a video posted to Vimeo yesterday, the man – now identified as Dean Paton from Chester-based ‘heritage and education’ company Big Heritage – is seen crossing the parade route towards the protesters with rather a mischievous grin on his face…

“This is how you troll horrible evangelical arseholes who think it’s nice to say people should burn in hell and what have you,” he says, before taking a position next to the sour-faced protesters and unfurling a poster of his own:

How we deal with bigots in Chester from Big Heritage on Vimeo.

LOVE. THIS. GUY. It’s true what they say – a picture says a thousand words:


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