Skincare in the Digital Age: Understanding Blue Light Exposure
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Skincare has seen a drastic evolution over the past several decades. Innovative breakthroughs from specialists in the industry have led to new treatments, routines, and products that can work to effectively preserve, protect, and restore the quality of your skin.
One of the crucial societal evolutions that has paved the way for much of this widespread acceptance is the popularization of social media platforms. These popular platforms have worked to actively foreground skincare and aesthetic beauty through their algorithmically dictated feeds. However, somewhat ironically, being in front of a screen for a prolonged time is now thought to be the cause of a whole new crop of skincare-related issues thanks to blue light exposure.
What is Blue Light?
Blue light is a term used to describe the quality and frequency of light emitted from digital screens. Whether you’re on a phone, tablet, or laptop, the screen emits blue light. As people interact with such devices more than ever in recorded history, there have been rising concerns about blue light exposure. One of the chief concerns is how excessive exposure to blue light can affect your skin.
How Blue Light Affects the Skin
Exposure to blue light is said to be unhealthy for the skin. Recent studies have indicated that teenagers and young adults spend over seven hours a day on their phones; this raises concerns about skin damage and the need for light coverage.
Is Reducing Blue Light a Viable Option?
Perhaps the most apparent solution often suggested about excessive blue light exposure is to avoid blue light, but that is far easier to say than do. Blue light-emitting screens have been actively incorporated into most workplaces and roles. Whether you are in the office or working remotely from home, chances are high that you interact with a computer screen regularly throughout your work day.
Furthermore, even if you were to take extensive measures to avoid blue light, you would still be subjected to it regularly. Screens have become so commonplace that they are used in numerous public spaces. For example, the self-service checkout aisles in grocery stores or the self-service machines in restaurants emit blue light and are inescapable parts of modern-day reality.
How to Combat Blue Light Exposure
Such common exposure to blue light does not mean you must resign yourself to suffering its effects, though. Achieving a perfectly soft face is still possible, even in this new digitally-heavy world, you just need the right tools to compensate for these ramifications.Numerous skincare brands believe beauty products should be accessible to anyone and everyone, that are working to provide innovative new solutions to these very problems.
In years past, there was a sense of stratification to the skincare and beauty industry, with the most effective products often being the most costly. Now, however, numerous new skincare brands are striving to redefine the industry by drastically shaking up that very status quo. To this end, blue light is something that everyone faces daily, and these new brands are finding phenomenal new solutions accessible to everyone.