News World
Toronto serial killer Bruce McArthur has been jailed for life
The murderer killed eight men after trolling Toronto's gay bars
News World
The murderer killed eight men after trolling Toronto's gay bars
News World
The landscape gardener murdered eight men between 2010 and 2017
News World
McArthur would troll bars in Toronto's Gay Village and used dating apps to pick his victims
News World
The 66-year-old landscape gardener faces eight first-degree murder charges
News World
The Pride Parade will feature a minute of silence and a "sea of black"
News World
Detective Sergeant Hank Idsinga felt sick when he found human skull in planter
News World
The remains of Kirushna Kumar Kanagaratnam were found at McArthur's home
News World
The landscaper appeared in court over a video link
News World
Police continue to search properties the 66-year-old landscaper has worked at.
News World
Detective Hank Idsinga confirmed the news last Friday (February 23)
News World
Bruce McArthur, 66, has been charged with five counts of murder
News World
More remains have been uncovered.
News World
Bruce McArthur allegedly used a gay dating app to target 'submissive men'.
News World
Police uncovered three bodies in the back garden of a home McArthur had worked at
News World
Police say there may be more victims.