News Politics
Green Party suspends health spokesperson: ‘There is no trans-hate in society in general’
Pallavi Devulapalli was suspended after referring to reports of a rise in LGBTQ+ hate crimes as "mischievious"
News Politics
Pallavi Devulapalli was suspended after referring to reports of a rise in LGBTQ+ hate crimes as "mischievious"
News Politics
"What I said was not transphobic at all. It's not hateful. It's not nasty," the MP insists
News UK
"I want every young person in Rutherglen and Hamilton West to feel safe being who they are."
News Politics
Harvie labelled the heckler a "bigot" in response
News Politics
Exclusive: "I feel like the Green Party is the party of hope"
News Politics
Exclusive: "Keir Starmer’s comments aren't just a dog whistle - but actually a very clear signal of complete capitulation to transphobia" says Zack Polanski
News World
The politician says the party's "inconsistency" over the issue has left her in a "very difficult position".
News World
"We've waited almost 1,000 days since the UK Government announced its intention to ban conversion therapy."
News World
Here's our handy guide to the seven main parties' queer manifesto commitments.
News World