Culture Film & TV
Pose’s Indya Moore cast as villain in Aquaman sequel: ‘This is going to be good’
The transgender, non-binary Pose star has said they are "Soooo excited".
Culture Film & TV
The transgender, non-binary Pose star has said they are "Soooo excited".
Style Fashion
"We organize millions for a museum, on stolen land that black and brown people suffer on unless white supremacy thinks they are exceptional."
Style Fashion
Indya Moore stars in the New Tommy Hilfiger gender non-binary collection
Culture Sexuality
The 25-year-old actor reflects on the importance of "showing up" for the trans community in the Attitude Summer issue.
Culture Film & TV
The acclaimed series' trans performers have been overlooked for the second year running.
Culture Sexuality
Often dismissed as a New Age phenomenon, non-binary language can be traced through history.
Culture Film & TV
The Ryan Murphy shows follows the underground world of 1980s ball culture, set at the height of the AIDS epidemic
News World
The transgender actress was shoved after trying to remove a Trump 2020 sign
Style Fashion
Moore talks to Attitude exclusively about Calvin Klein's Pride Collection
Culture Film & TV
The new season is set to air in the US next month
Culture Film & TV
The hit season is set to air in the US next month
News World
The actress is currently starring in Ryan Murphy's latest show 'Pose'
Culture Film & TV
The group of celebrities joined the brand's new I Speak My Truth campaign
News World
The actress stars in the new Ryan Murphy show about the underground world of the 1980s ball culture
Culture Film & TV
The upcoming FX show is set to make LGBT television history
Culture Film & TV
Ryan Murphy's new show is set to make television history
Culture Film & TV
The show will make history for featuring the largest LGBTQ cast ever in a scripted series