Style Fashion
Andrew Christian criticised for new ‘THICK’ campaign
"Would be nice if there were some brown skin colours present," one tweet reads.
Style Fashion
"Would be nice if there were some brown skin colours present," one tweet reads.
Culture Sexuality
We are getting hot under the collar
Culture Sexuality
Meet the 12 hunky Red Heads featured in the new full frontal calendar
Culture Sexuality
The auction is now live!
Style Fashion
In partnership with BANG&STRIKE
Culture Sexuality
The proceeds from the calendars will be donated to MIND, Movember and The Dogs Trust
Style Fashion
Style Fashion
The model is photographed for an Attitude Online exclusive by Blake Ballard
Culture Sexuality
The video goes behind-the-scenes of their 2019 calendar shoot
Culture Sexuality
Model Brian Whittaker features on a special edition special cover this month
Culture Sexuality
Check out the hot Greek Adonis' featured in the new calendar
Culture Sexuality
Grab a copy of your calendar now and we guarantee you will not be disappointed
Culture Sexuality
Teams from across Britain have stripped to raise awareness of male cancer
Culture Sexuality
The new meat NAKED Calendar continues to challenge stereotypes of sexy gay men
Culture Sexuality
The team behind the infamous Red Hot calendars are set to release a Butts version
News World
The account Greeks Come True has been disabled for two months without any explanation
Style Fashion
Rufskin show off their summer collection and a model's buns for their latest editorial
Culture Sexuality
The underwear and swimwear company are one of our favourite brands
Culture Sexuality
The new calendar has picked out some of the hottest ginger men from across the US
Style Fashion
The model took a seat in the back of our London Fashion Week Men's Jaguar to talk all things style