News World
Gay men can become priests if they embrace ‘celibacy as a gift’, say Italian bishops
"When reference is made to homosexual tendencies, it is appropriate not to reduce discernment to this aspect alone" say new guidelines
News World
"When reference is made to homosexual tendencies, it is appropriate not to reduce discernment to this aspect alone" say new guidelines
News World
"Stop using offensive language against the LGBTQIA+ community"
News World
"In the Church, there is room for everyone - everyone!"
News World
The head of the Catholic Church reportedly used the highly offensive term "frociaggine"
News World
"In most cases when decisions are not accepted, it is because they are not understood"
News World
"I deem deplorable the practice of so-called surrogate motherhood," the pontiff said
News World
Same-sex marriage remains unlegitimised by the Catholic Church, however
News World
"I never would have expected this! I am very happy," one of the women said
News World
The Vatican said priests should exercise “pastoral prudence” in their decision
News World
"We cannot be judges who only deny, reject, and exclude”
News World
“Each person encounters God in their own way inside the Church”
News World
However, the religious figure also implied trans people are "sinners" by adding: “The Lord always walks with us... Even if we are sinners."
News World
Pope Francis called anti-gay laws a "sin" and expressed support for civil union legislation.
News World
The Pope has also called laws criminalising homosexuality "unjust".
News World
The head of the Catholic Church has encouraged parents to support children of "different sexual orientations."
News World
The Vatican has previously said the Catholic Church cannot bless same-sex unions.
News World
A huge breakthrough.
News World
During the Nazi regime, six million Jewish people were killed as well as LGBTQ people and gypsies
News World
The 'Pink Flamingos' and 'Hairspray' creator is an avid admirer of the Satanic Temple
News World
The Church issued a new document claiming gender identity isn't a social social construct