News World
Gay men can become priests if they embrace ‘celibacy as a gift’, say Italian bishops
"When reference is made to homosexual tendencies, it is appropriate not to reduce discernment to this aspect alone" say new guidelines
News World
"When reference is made to homosexual tendencies, it is appropriate not to reduce discernment to this aspect alone" say new guidelines
News World
Absolutely not this again
News World
The head of the Catholic Church reportedly used the highly offensive term "frociaggine"
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The Vatican said priests should exercise “pastoral prudence” in their decision
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Discussions will take place at the global synod of the bishops.
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Right-wing politicians are seen in video footage cheering as the bill was defeated on Wednesday (27 October)
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The Vatican has previously said the Catholic Church cannot bless same-sex unions.
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Excl: "Hand on heart, the Pope is an LGBTQ ally" insists Francesco director Evgeny Afineevsky
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A Pope Francis-approved decree recently stated gay sex is "intrinsically disordered”
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Excl: "There are many people who have to live a double life. They end up anguished and unhappy."
News World
The Church issued a new document claiming gender identity isn't a social social construct
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The Vatican later censored the comments, saying the pontiff didn't mean to imply homosexuality is a mental illness.
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The leader of the Catholic Church shared his views on families and abortion at the Vatican this weekend
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The comments come just days after he told a gay man God loved him no matter his sexuality
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The Pope told him that God made him that way and loves him for it
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The male escort compiled the list to stop 'preaching hatred towards gays'
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