News World
Virginia School Board fails to implement inclusive transgender policies
After hearing from around 70 people the school board failed to put the measures through despite a state law requiring them to do so.
News World
After hearing from around 70 people the school board failed to put the measures through despite a state law requiring them to do so.
News World
A Virginia school board has approved more inclusive policies for transgender students - and not everyone's happy about it.
Life Travel
America has perhaps the liveliest LGBTQ scene in the world. All you need is an ESTA visa, and your set to explore it yourself.
News World
State governor Ralph Northam has signed the Virginia Values Act, which will protect people from discrimination when it comes into force in July.
News World
The bill will take effect on July 1
News World
Teachers at the Virginia school couldn't work out which locker room would be appropriate for her.
News World
The Hyatt Hotels chain made the decision following an anti-Muslim annual conference
Culture Film & TV
'The Inn Crowd' will tell the story of a gay couple who divide a small US town after opening a successful inn.
Culture Film & TV
Finally someone is speaking our language.
News World
Culture Film & TV