Culture Film & TV
Drag Race: RuPaul reminds season 16 queens of stakes in preview clip
Mama Ru warns her girls that "several many twists, turns, tantrums, and tiaras lie ahead"
Culture Film & TV
Mama Ru warns her girls that "several many twists, turns, tantrums, and tiaras lie ahead"
Culture Film & TV
Who will be America's Next Drag Superstar?
Culture Film & TV
"This chosen family is creating one iconic pop culture moment after another"
Culture Film & TV
Culture Film & TV
Season 7 of the drag duo's hit series will air weekly in the UK on WOW Presents Plus from 20 April.
Culture Film & TV
"And no I’m not on anybodys all stars. Wasn’t my decision :)" Kornbread wrote on Twitter.
Culture Film & TV
For the first time ever, the series will be available exclusively in the UK on WOW Presents Plus
News World
The Canadian actor-model was a judge on Canada's Drag Race's first season, but left following horrendous abuse from Drag Race fans.
Culture Sexuality
Find out if you’re smarter than a drag queen in Priyanka’s new series, 'What’s My Game?'
Culture Film & TV
Exclusive: Drag Race España head judge, Supremme de Luxe, tells Attitude what we can expect to see in the new series.
Culture Film & TV
RuPaul will be voicing a talking unicorn alongside other Drag Race queens
Culture Film & TV
We're gagging on a global scale.