Andrew Hayden-Smith’s Grooming Product of the Week

Hi guys! I’m so pleased to have joined the team here at It’s a real honour, having followed the magazine since I was just a teenage lad to then coming out on the mag’s glossy pages back in 2005.
Welcome to my weekly column where I’ll do my very best to bring you what I think are the best products on the market right now for looking sharp and sexy. Here goes…
I’m a big fan of Kiehl’s products and this one is definitely a Monday morning essential, especially if you’ve had a big weekend. The skin around the eyes is more delicate than on the rest of your face and so needs a little extra attention: Eye Alert provides exactly the kind of TLC it needs. It comes in a small tube, handy for carrying around with you to make sure you’re never caught out by pesky dark circles or puffiness.
It uses cucumber and Alfalfa Extracts (I’d never heard of the latter either!) to cool and soothe the eye area; it’s also packed full of Vitamin E and caffeine to fight fatigue. Apply a small amount around the eyes and you’re ready to take on the world… Right after you’ve shifted that hangover.
Follow Andrew Hayden-Smith on Twitter @AndrewHaydSmith or visit his official website.