Attitude teams with Diesel for special collector’s cover

We’ve already shown you the regular cover of the September Style issue of Attitude – with BBC Business host Ben Thompson looking rather dashing – but we’ve also got a special treat this month: a second cover.
We’ve teamed with Diesel – whose #DieselHero selfie campaign we’ve featured on the site in recent weeks – to put together a second cover featuring a model in his best Diesel pants (because who doesn’t love a model in his pants). Take a look:
So how can you get your hands on a copy? If you pick up the copy of our usual Ben Thompson edition, you just have to turn to the first page of the mag to see our second cover. However, if you want the special Diesel cover on the front, you either have to be one of our print subscribers – OR you can get your hands on a copy in select locations, such as Prowler in London.
The new issue is available for digital download now and in stores on Wednesday August 19. You can download it from or order a print copy from