Debbie Harry on Lady Gaga: ‘I hope we inspire each other’
By Nick Levine

Debbie Harry has spoken about the influence she and Lady Gaga have on one another.
Gaga has often hailed the Blondie legend – and her fellow New Yorker – as one of her inspirations in music and style.
Asked by The Guardian if she thinks Gaga “owes her one”, Harry replied: “Oh, I don’t know. I might owe her a big one because she inspires me as well. I hope we inspire each other. She does things in a very artistic way.”
However, Harry declined to call Gaga a “21st century version” of herself, saying: “I guess if I was retired I might wish for that but I’m still at it.”
Harry recently clarified her sexuality after several publications reported that she had come out as bisexual, saying that she had “experimented” with women before confirming: “I like men, I’m a fool”.
Blondie 4(0)-Ever – a new studio album combined with a greatest hits collection – is released in the UK on May 12.