Exclusive: Model Roger Frampton’s shirtless workout

Our Style and fitness guru Roger Frampton has been a very busy boy of late – he is launching his YouTube channel later this month.
Roger has collaborated with Attitude to showcase some simple workouts without the use of gym equipment, maximising your workout with simple techniques and posture corrections. We got Rog to take his top off for the video, as we felt it was important for you to properly get a look a his technique – you’re welcome.
This exclusive video from Roger is called ‘The Hollow Man’ – a simple, effective excercise you can try without a gym membership.
Follow Roger on Instagram as well as on his website, which has plenty of pictures and information on his training and adventures as an international male model.
Check out his workout below – and we’ve added a few of his best shirtless Instagram shots under the video as a little added bonus:
Side note: Special mention to Roger’s older brother David, who once graced the cover of Attitude!