In pics: Roger Frampton tries out independent gym Motus Strength

Our online fashion and fitness guru Roger Frampton isn’t really one for gyms, but when we heard about Motus Strength, an independent gym based in Chelsea, their different and more personal approach got him interested.
Motus Stength is a unique specialist gymnasium. Their approach is to use movement and conditioning protocols from three primary disciplines: calisthenics, weight-lifting and key aspects of strength & conditioning – with elements of Ashtanga yoga and gymnastics integrated to add diversity.
They also have special services including nutritionists, physical and manual therapies and one to one coaching. We’ve been in with Roger, and the team are friendly and welcoming to all levels, so it’s great for beginners and pros alike. Here’s what Roger had to say about it…
As a fashion model and founder of The Frampton Method, my philosophy for the last decade has been focused on the HOW of fitness: Constantly coming up with ways to move better designed on the primitive movements of the human body.
I remember back to my teens and looking up to the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger and the body building industry for inspiration to stack on as much muscle as possible, before switching over to a weight free method.
This month the Attitude team and I headed on down to Motus Strength in Chelsea, who appear to be taking a different approach.
On my introduction I had the pleasure of meeting the founder Bruce and his wife Coleen who specialise in high performance conditioning, manual therapy and chronic injury treatment. A lot of gyms have complicated machines, which can hinder your progress. I’m fan of simplified equipment, so I was pleased to see Motus Strength had certainly hit the nail on the head with their use of the space and combination of gymnastic, calisthenics and movement classes which kicked off earlier this year.
The main focus in gyms is predominantly weight and machine based so it was lovely to see so many bars and open spaces, an adult playground if you like. As an independent gym, it’s also great for those who are tired of big company gyms.
If you’re open to try a new gymnastic approach, I’d certainly advise tagging along to try one of their unique classes, so you can get to grips with techniques and maximise your fitness progress.
Later this year I will be delivering my TED talk on a new thought process of exercise – it’s great to finally see Motus Strength moving the fitness industry forward with their all round approach to exercise.
Book a session now at
Follow Roger and Motus Strength on Twitter @motusstrength & @roger_frampton