In pictures: UK’s first-ever Pride march route retraced on 50th anniversary
Gay Liberation Front veterans led a demonstration along the original 1972 route on Friday ahead of Pride in London.
By Will Stroude

Words: Will Stroude; Images: Mike Kear
Friday marked exactly 50 years to the day since the first Lesbian and Gay Pride took place on 1 July 1972, and the milestone anniversary was marked with a loud, proud and political demonstration in London.
Led by veterans of the Gay Liberation Front who were there that historic day half a century ago, queer activists and grass-roots organisations retraced the route of the original march from Trafalgar Square to Hyde Park.
It display of LGBTQ protest came on the eve of Pride in London, which is expected to see hundreds of thousands take to the streets of the capital to watch the ‘official’ Pride parade.
Check out some the action from Friday’s historic anniversary march below: