Jocks and buns on parade for Sibling’s LC:M show

Our LC:M review is on the way, but we have to give a special mention to one of our favourites, Sibling, who never ever do things by halves – last season it was pink punk, complete with giant pink teddy bears, pink hair and some mouth-watering knitwear all in shocking shades of…well, pink.
Sibling kicked off their Saturday evening with some suiting, which immediately jolted the crowd, who were no doubt not expecting anything quite so conservative from the trio. Still, it wasn’t entirely conservative – they had some some great neon lacing detail on the bottoms of the trousers.
The layers then began to peel off, as the rosy-cheeked all-American0looking men shed their suits to reveal a sports theme. There were NFL-style untied crotches, glittering shoulder pads, knitted heavy duty jock straps, and skin tight and snug pieces with lots of lacing. It was an overt display of burgeoning athletic sexuality. The Jock had arrived, and he had brought his male cheerleaders along too (complete with sequinned vests and pompoms):
As much as we hated to see them leave, we loved to watch them walk away even more, as Sibling embraced the “bumster” – models showing off the tops of their peachy behinds! Sibling’s theme never let up, with a strict colour palette of team colours, stripes and collegiate ‘S’ lettering that really showed team spirit. By the time the last model had walked down the catwalk, the whole crowd was fully Team Sibling (if they weren’t already). Until we get to the full round up of LC:M, here are the pictures to keep you going:
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