myGwork is the business community for LGBT+ professionals, graduates, inclusive employers and anyone who believes in workplace equality.
myGwork and its members celebrated the 30th anniversary of National Coming Out Day by launching their #IAmOutAtWork campaign.
For many LGBT+ people around the world, coming out is still something dangerous. Some of us are more fortunate and can be who they are at home but how many can bring their true-self to work?
While three quarters of non-LGBT employees believe it is “unprofessional” to discuss sexual orientation or gender identity in the workplace – when surely, they have no issue of talking about their personal life at work- a new study by Outleadership suggests, “99 per cent of LGBT+ employees cited an organisation’s reputation as a fair and equal employer as important when deciding where to work and surprisingly, 43 per cent of employers don’t see this as a prominent factor in their ability to attract LGBT+ talent.”
The global LGBT+ TALENT POOL counts at least 270 million individuals and some recent finding shows that 57 per cent of US and UK age between 13 and 26 say they don’t fit into the traditional definition of heterosexuality.
If organisations want to retain and attract LGBT+ talent, it is vital they be inclusive. It is also important for people to come out when they feel comfortable so they will contribute to create a diverse workplace environment.
Doing so, they become role models, make it easier for other people to come out and show the world, people can be LGBT+, out at work, and have a great career.
Come out at work today like our members and help create a better workplace for all! #IAmOutAtWOrk @mygwork
#IAmOutAtWork Campaign from myGwork on Vimeo.
“I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to hide this aspect of myself so I believe it is really important to come out at work.”
Read Toby’s full interview here.
“At EY, we never want anyone to feel they can’t be who they truly are. Strive to be your best self.”
Read Michael’s full interview here.
“I think it is important for others to see that a senior attorney is proud, confident and honest about their orientation and that one can be successful and be out at the same time.”
Read James’ full interview here.
“You’ll probably find yourself feeling closer to your colleagues for sharing something personal with them.”
Read Michael’s full interview here.
“I believe we have a responsibility to the next generation, to build the best society that we can by providing role models and letting them know it is okay to be themselves.”
Read Steven’s full interview here.
“Erasing ignorance is the first step to openness and acceptance.”
Read Geoffrey’s full interview here.