Pietro Boselli transformed into a Disney Prince by Portis Wasp

Our new cover stars, model Pietro Boselli and Matthew Lewis have been getting a lot of you under the cover. We’ve seen some great illustrations of the pair. We LOVE these collages from Portis Wasp (who did our attitude Remix collages last month – you can follow him on Instagram and his blog) mixing images from Disney. And as it’s the beginning of Swim and Underwear month on the Style section of the website, we thought we would kick off with our cover star! But is Pietro from Models 1 a Prince Eric or a Prince Charming?
Pietro wears Diesel swimwear
Pietro wears Charlie by Matthew Zink thong briefs, jeans by Rufskin
Pietro wears swimshorts by Gandy for Autograph
You can read our full interview with Pietro, and see his stunning six-page shoot, plus much more in the new June issue of Attitude, which is available to download to your mobile, iPad or tablet device now at Pocketmags.com/Attitude. You can grab it in shops now and also have it delivered directly to your door at newsstand.co.uk.
We’ve got a sneak peek behind the scenes of Pietro’s super-hot shoot that you can watch here.
Pietro was shot by Mark Cant, with styling by Joseph Kocharian and grooming by Sandra Hadi.