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Protein consumption and muscle growth

By Attitude Magazine


The tissues of the body are made up of complex combinations of amino acids, which come together and form proteins. The issue is the body is very fond of using amino acids as an energy source in a process called “transamination”, when this occurs the body essentially uses muscle to generate energy. Therefore if your aim is to increase lean muscle mass then ensuring you have regular protein turnover is imperative.

The collective structure of the amino acids will influence key factors, most importantly the speed of utilisation. Some proteins are fast absorbing and some are a lot slower. You’ll often hear “muscle isn’t built in the gym”, it is actually during this period where muscle is being broken down, muscles grow outside of the gym, when resting, and therefore it is crucial that during this period the body ingests the right protein at the right time.

An essential time to get a quick influx of protein is post-session; this is where it’s a great idea to consume a whey protein powder – an incredibly fast absorbing protein. The fast-acting whey rapidly replaces lost amino acids expended during training.

Another crucial time the body needs protein is whilst sleeping. During this time, the body undergoes an 8-hour + fasting period and is prone to breaking down valuable aminos for energy. Casein protein powder helps combat this by providing a slow-release protein and drip fee the muscles amino acids whilst you sleep.

Steve Watson – Sport & Exercise Scientist