Ross Edgley’s chocolate protein cheesecake
By Nick Levine

Fitness expert Ross Edgley (pictured below) shares his recipe for a delicious and nutritious chocolate protein cheesecake.
Absolutely ideal post-workout, this cheesecake tastes amazing and every ingredient (not just the protein and carbohydrate content) is functional and needed by the body.
The thick and creamy protein topping is made from a whey protein, natural yoghurt, quark, egg white and gelatine combination that provides a varied protein and amino profile to the muscles to help recovery. Then the base is made from a ‘biscuit-like’ muesli, honey and berry mixture that provides a tapered release of carbohydrates each loaded with vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that replenish muscle glycogen and kick-start the recovery process.
Ingredients (topping):
– 500g quark
– 250g natural yoghurt
– 60g whey protein
– 3 tsps cocoa
– 2 tsps vanilla extract
– 2 egg whites
– 1 packet of gelatine (optional but helps create a thicker texture)
– 50g blueberries
– 40g strawberries
– 200ml milk
Ingredients (base):
– 200g muesli
– 2 tsp honey
– 1 tsp coconut oil
1. To make the base simply mix muesli with honey and coconut oil and pack densely into tray.
2. For the topping mix the quark, yoghurt and whey protein into a bowl. In a separate bowl melt the gelatine with 200ml of milk and then combine with topping. Add cocoa and vanilla extra (and any other flavours). Then mix berries into the mixture.
3. Finally, in a separate bowl whisk two egg whites until they form a meringue-like foam. ‘Fold’ into the topping to add air and keep the mixture light. Spread topping on the base and leave in the fridge for at least five hours to set. Eat & Enjoy!
Nutritional Information Per Serving (1/6):
Calories: 369 calories; Protein: 35g
Obviously this cheesecake recipe helps you meet your elevated macro requirements (protein and carbohydrates) post-workout but it’s also loaded with smaller functional ingredients. Like the cocoa powder, for instance, which, in a study conducted at the Department of Internal Medicine and Public Health at the University of L’Aquila in Italy, was found to improve both blood pressure and insulin sensitivity (how our body processes carbohydrates). This ultimately improves your body’s ability to absorb and use the entire meal and its carbohydrate and protein content.
If you enjoyed this recipe from Ross Edgley, click here to read his recent fitness piece on how to get more muscle and more sex.
Like Ross Edgley on Facebook and follow him on Twitter @rossedgley for hundreds more delicious, healthy, guilt-free recipes.