Things we Love: ‘Made in Brazil’ celebrates Marlon Teixeira

Attitude’s fashion team have just been to Brazil (more of that to come) but way before that, we had the brilliant magazine Made In Brazil- on our radar. The magazine’s current 9th issue is a celebration of the Brazilian male supermodel Marlon Teixeira – 80 pages of the man, in fact! With conbtributors such as Bruce Weber, who shot the cover story, Mariano Vivanco, Greg Vaughan and many more – with limited editions available, and print to order, it makes a beautiful coffee table publication.
Made in Brazil Magazine can be purchased online through
Cover Shot Marlon Teixeira by Bruce Weber
Marlon Teixeira by Bruce Weber
Marlon Teixeira by Bruce Weber
In the meantime, here are some examples of the Marlon Teixeira and his friends that will be in the next issue: Click on the names below to follow on instagram
Made in Brazil @madeinbrazil
Bruce Weber @bruce_weber
Marlon Teixeira @marlontx
Diego Miguel @iamdiegomiguel
Clark Bockelman @clarkbockelman
Marlon Texieira by Milan Vukmirovic
Marlon Texieira by Milan Vukmirovic
Marlon Teixeira by Gui Paganini
Diego Miguel by Matthew Brookes