Watch Judy Garland perform Pharrell Williams’ ‘Happy’
By Nick Levine

A seemingly unlikely Judy Garland/Pharrell Williams mash-up video has been uploaded to YouTube.
The mash-up makes the most of the similarities in theme and tempo between Get Happy, which Garland famously performed in her final MGM film, Summer Stock, and Happy, which was an international chart-topper for Williams earlier this year.
The video’s maker, Reginald Law, explains: “Pharrell Williams’ Happy and Judy Garland’s Get Happy trade audio and video in a happy mash-up. First Judy doing Pharrell’s audio, then the other way around. Watch both versions to really get it.”
Law added the video to YouTube in time for Garland’s birthday yesterday (June 10). The late icon would have turned 92 if she were still alive today.
Meanwhile, Madonna has recently hinted that she is working on new material with Pharrell Williams – click here to find out more.