Watch Rafael Nadal take it all off for Tommy Hilfiger

UPDATE: Rafa’s special tennis grudge/strip match with some of his famous mates kicks off at 12:30pm EST today, August 25 – that’s 5:30pm for us folks in the UK. You can stream the match – which is sure to be filled with fun surprises – over at the Tommy Hilfiger website.
Tennis champ Rafael Nadal has been named the face and body of Tommy Hilfiger underwear collection, and this morning, Hilfiger have released a very revealing video of Nadal and his famous well-rounded behind.
The 14-time Grand Slam champion will take to the court live in NYC at 12:30 EST for what looks to be an interesting game of tennis: Hilfiger have posted a picture of Nadal from the campaign with the quote ‘It all comes off on August 25th’. It looks like he’ll be joined with some shirtless friends…we’ll be watching.
You can stream the match online – keep checking @tommyhilfiger on Twitter for more. #tommyXNadal
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