Why having LGBT role models is still vital, however far we’ve come
By Will Stroude

Next summer will mark an anniversary of great importance. It will be 50 years since the decriminalisation of homosexuality in England and Wales in July.
A lot has improved over the last 50 years, more so in recent times with the introduction of civil-partnerships and gay marriage for almost all of the United Kingdom.
On paper, it would appear that equality is moving into the positive for all concerned. However, at every stage of social change, a sizeable minority have resisted. A YouGov poll in 2013 regarding same-sex marriage found that 46% of people opposed the change or didn’t know either way.
In that 46%, you’d find parents of LGBT people, siblings, employers and friends. Even if your parents are in the minority of people opposed to LGBT equality, the sense of rejection feels more pronounced than the stat would suggest. When hatred happens at home, the minority matters.
It’s not easy feeling isolated and fearful about coming out; many young people may not even want to approach the subject. It doesn’t just affect the young either; many older people, for whom hiding their sexuality was a matter of life and death, continue to do so. In fact I tried to hide this part of me and concentrate on my studies; thinking I would move away and not have to deal with telling my friends and family about being gay.
That’s why supplying young people with LGBT role models, coming out stories, support and guidance, like Stonewall, RUComingOut and my own portrait project, ‘#Outcome,’, is important. It wasn’t until a few days before my 24th birthday that I had the courage and right circumstances, to come out to my parents. With hindsight, I wish I had done so sooner. I’m sure that I could have come out earlier if I’d the same resources available today; which is why, as a photographer, I wanted to start a project, to show others, young and old, just how good it is being out and proud. I think, as a community we need to look out for each other and be the person we needed when we were 13-18; or even 24 and older.
Working on #Outcome, a project where I photograph LGBT+ people as they are now, holding their own childhood photograph has shown that there are a wide variety of people who identify as LGBT. Exhibiting the project at a variety of events, I have had some really positive feedback, that a simple idea is an effective one. I have had people tell me how they felt alone in their teenage gay angst; if only they had known they were not alone, sooner.
Reaching out with examples of role models, from all walks of life are vital for others growing up. There was a time when there were no LGBT role models, other than caricatures; now seen as offensive – which would help to explain why there must be many older people who have not felt comfortable coming out. Now though, it is good to see that there are out celebrities, politicians, sportspeople and equality campaigners to help remind us it’s ok to be gay, lesbian, bi, trans or other. Furthermore, it is good to see a variety of LGBT people in all areas of entertainment; in front of, and behind the camera.
#Outcome also helps to breakdown stereotypes of what an LGBT person looks like and can achieve despite some narrow perceptions; because there is no absolute definition. Included in the project is a Lord, a Great British Bake Off winner, actors, writers, dancers, politicians, business professionals, chefs, emergency services, to name but a few. Role models are a reminder that you get past the awkward teen years, move on from that dreaded coming out conversation and lead a successful happy life whichever career you go into.
Role models are there to be a good example that you do not have to fit into certain stereotypes or social norms. Role models are there to remind us, it’s OK to be your true self.
The Outcome book is set for release on October 10 ahead of National Coming Out Day, and is available to pre-order here. The launch exhibition will be at the Heritage Gallery, University of Greenwich, London, from Monday October 10 – Saturday October 15.
Tom Dingley is a London-based photographer. You can follow him on Twitter @TomDingleyPhoto and find out more about the Outcome Project at @OutcomeLGBT.
The Outcome book published by Arachne Press is 168 pages, containing 80 full-page portraits along with accompanying text from each of the subjects. The book will retail for £25.
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