Young, Free & Single’s Dean McCullough opens up to Attitude

Have you been watching E4’s guilty pleasure, Young Free & Single? If not, then you are totally missing out!
For those who haven’t had the chance to see the show, here’s a recap: Six housemates go on a series of dates and watch themselves back on live TV. Viewers get their chance to have their say via Twitter and advise the housemates on whether they should go on another date. It’s amazing.
We caught up with the show’s gay dater, Dean McCullough from Northern Ireland, who has so far endured two disaster dates. Here he tells us what he’s looking for in a guy and why his dates have gone so wrong.
Are you enjoying the show?
I am having the time of my life, however I didn’t expect to get so emotionally involved in Young Free & Single. It’s taught me so much about myself and we are only in week three – my friends are calling me Tiny Tears! My mummy says it’s just a TV show and she’s right but this is real emotion and feeling – you can’t switch it off when the show finishes on a Monday night.
Have you always found it hard to find a good man?
Yes. I am an excellent judge of character but for some reason if I fancy someone all of my instinct goes out the window. I will always be able to tell if a guy is being genuine but in this day and age, charm is a novelty and everyone is sharing inspiration quotes on Facebook pretending to be the next big thing – it’s hard to find sincerity.
What kind of guy are you after?
I want a man who knows what he wants, a genuine, funny just-as-fucked-up-as-I-am kinda guy! Someone who can sweep me off my feet as well as keep them on the ground. I want someone I can love and give my heart to unconditionally, take care of and love forever and ever – isn’t that what we all want? It’s definitely what we all deserve.
Do you think guys are mainly after one thing?
My friends, who I love dearly, would rather or indeed feel more comfortable having a one night stand than going on a date and I can’t get my head around it. They are all gorgeous and who wouldn’t want to sleep with them but surely a nice drink up the Shard would be more fun than actually taking it up the shard once a week. Ouch!
Do you always practise safe sex?
I am a firm believer in safe sex. It’s the best kind. I’ve just been appointed young persons ambassador of the Make A Difference trust. Every 15 seconds someone in the world newly contracts HIV and if we wrap it before we tap it we can massively reduce that.
Your first date was an ass – why were you so hung up on him?
I felt like he was putting up a front, which is why I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. The whole world told me not to but I needed to give him a chance and it backfired, royally. Dates 1 – Dean 0!
Did you regret your second date when you spent your time on the phone to the first date?
I was appalled at my behavior on my second date but I’m glad it happened. It’s sparked massive controversy and people gave me their honest opinion – in abundance. Listen, I want to make the mistakes that single guys are afraid to. I want to prove that confidence doesn’t mean confident. I’ve learnt so much from that date and I hope you can see improvements in the weeks to come.
Did you get a lot of social media backlash?
The week I went on a date with Dan I got annihilated and I deserved it – I would’ve tweeted me and it wouldn’t have been pretty. It’s all part of the show. You could get ten amazingly positive tweets but it takes one negative to make an impact and yes – I had a cry but I’m learning and I thank every single person that gets in touch. I read them all.
Do you like the person you see on TV?
I am proud. It’s taken me a long long time to feel the way I do about myself. I am my harshest critic and there’s no one that can give me a telling off more than me. I will listen to everyone’s advice but there’s nothing good or bad that anyone can tell me about myself that I don’t already know, so watching me on telly is weird, but I said and did it all so I’m never surprised by how I come across – I’m a nightmare!
If you saw yourself on TV would you date yourself?
That’s the best question, I’ve never thought of that – I would definitely date me! I like my heart and soul, I would change a few things about my appearance but I know me and that’s why I am doing Young Free & Single: Live – I want to share my crazy thoughts and feelings with the man of my dreams (if he exists). I would see me as a task and of course, a complete catch!
The latest date looks promising… How does it go?
This weeks date is… Well you’ll just have to tune in Monday night, 10pm, E4 to find out.
Young, Free & Single airs Mondays at 10pm on E4.