Attitude’s Bachelor of the Day: Former Mr Gay Wales Paul Davies
By Ross Semple

Attitude’s Bachelors of Year 2017 is brought to you in association with Blued.Paul Davies Bachelor of the Year position: #61
A Mr Gay winner with a difference, Paul (or ‘Stumpy’ as he’s proudly nicknamed himself) is the first differently abled Mr Gay Wales, having been born with one hand missing.
We’re not in the least bit surprised he took the contest by storm though, since the Welsh blond bombshell has a winning smile, classic good looks and a fiery passion for social justice and equality. There couldn’t have been a better winner.
How long have you been a bachelor?
Two long-ass years! I’ve had short-term dates with one or two guys, but I really wasn’t ready. Plus, I had been in a 10 year relationship before. Now I’m just enjoying ‘me’ time: relaxing, enjoying being in my big house, single and alone. God save me!
How was your coming out experience?
I was 16 the first time I told anyone I was gay! My friends Emily, Tracy and I acquired some sneaky bottles of ‘squash’ and after a few glasses and a night dancing around Emily’s family kitchen it all came out! After many years of panicking, worrying and emotional trauma it only took a seconds and a few words. That was the first step I took in being true to myself. My family were very supportive and there’s a few tales to be told about that coming out experience, but that’s for another day.
What are the top three qualities you look for in a man?
5 o’clock shadow or a small, smart beard is a must. Hang on, that’s not a quality is it? [laughs] OK seriously someone who has passion – not just for what they do but for others. The ability to empathise, understand and have patience for others. Someone that’s dependable, and most of all enthusiasm for adventure and life! I’m always on the go, so a partner in crime is a must.
Best date you’ve ever been on?
Honestly, I’m shocking at dates. I end up a stuttering mess, awkward and end up shy as hell! Best thing to do is not tell me it’s a date until after – just say it’s a night out drinking or just theatre trip or a Netflix and chill – though I still don’t know what that means [laughs]
…and the worst?
Worst date… OK so I’ve actually had a guy cancel on me because he didn’t realise I had one hand until I told him! Weird as he didn’t notice the whole night before.
What’s your favourite part of a man’s body?
I love a good, big, strong frame on a man! I love big back with arms that I can cwtch [Welsh slang for cuddle] up with. Following that it’s a lush smile and then bum. OK, I know that’s three but I’m using this as an advertisement opportunity for my future husband.
Biggest deal-breaker?
A non-tea drinker and non-Steps fan combined – there will be no welcome in the valleys for you boyo!
Do you have an *ahem* ‘three date rule’?
I’ve been single for two years, sod the three date rule – I’d do it on the first bloody date if I had a chance! [laughs] Nah, seriously I always believe you should go with the flow.
Who’s your celebrity crush?
Well let’s just say there a couple on the Attitude Bachelors List but I won’t name them (numbers 100, 80, 72, 63, 7, plus the one that really caught my eye after meeting him was 29!) but my Hollywood crush would most definitely be Chris Prat.
What’s your hidden talent?
I’m actually a triple threat: I can sing, dance and act, and I can even juggle with one hand! But my other hidden talent is… covered up – oh matron!
Follow Paul on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
The June issue of Attitude is out now. Buy in print, subscribe or download. You can see all 100 of Attitude’s Bachelors of the Year here.
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