Our gay cruise around the Galapagos Islands
By Will Stroude

The Galapagos Islands have always been a top bucket list item for us. This is one of the few places in the world where you can get very close to the wildlife. There are so few predators that the animals have evolved to become indifferent to humans.
The Galapagos are an archipelago of volcanic islands in the Pacific Ocean, around 1,000km (600 miles) from Ecuador’s coast. The variety of unique wildlife here not only inspired Darwin back in 1835, it completely captivated our group.
We visited as part of a gay cruise in October 2016. A total of 12 gay guys on board the Passion yacht, one of the most exclusive charters in the world and loved every minute
Why a gay cruise?
Our cruise was exclusive and limited to 12 people. We loved the idea of a gay cruise because it adds a whole new fun and fabulous element. Unlike other (non gay) cruises we’ve been on with complete strangers, we would at most have some chit chat with other people and possibly take away a few emails/promises to keep in touch via Facebook.
With a group of gay guys it was completely different. By the end of the cruise, these 12 complete strangers who had never met before had all become close friends, like a family. As cheesy and cliché as it may sound, the gay aspect instantly gave us all a deep connection making it easy to quickly bond and develop these new friendships.
For us, this was the real value of a gay cruise and made the Galapagos experience even more unique and memorable.
Why we love the Galapagos so much:
The sea lions stole the show. They were everyone’s stand out favourites. Their curious and playful nature will completely charm the pants off you. They love to pose, are totally unafraid, noisy and highly entertaining.
The best way to interact with them is in the water. They glide so gracefully, coming right up to you, especially the young ones who will play with you, just like a puppy. As they come out on to the beach in a clumsy manner, you wander how they were able to glide so effortlessly in the water.
But it’s not only just about the sea lions. There are many other highlights to visiting the Galapagos: giant tortoises, pink flamingos, sharks and so many different birds. Like the boobies…! Yes you read right: the blue footed boobies, in particular, are famous for their mating dance whereby the male shows off his feet to the female who eventually selects the male who she thinks has the most appealing feet, ie the bluest! (We’re also still hung up onwhy they’re called boobies in the first place…)
The volcanic scenery on each of the Galapagos Islands is also stunning. Every island has its own unique landscape. For example, Rábida is nicknamed the red island because of the high amount of iron in the lava, which gives it its distinct colour and Bartolomé Island has the Pinnacle Rock volcano cone, which has been featured in several films like the 2003 Master and Commander.
Oh and did you hear the story of Diego the Professor? He’s the famous giant tortoise, star of the tortoise breeding programme. Just when he was the sole surviving member of his species, with the help of the breeding programme, he went on to father over 2,000 offspring who are now alive and well in the Galapagos. This is the place to come and see giant tortoises like Diego and his family out in the wild going about their daily business.
The Galapagos Islands has been one of the highlights of our travels and remains one of the most special moments in our relationship. We hope you to inspire you with our video to give you a taster of how incredible this part of our planet truly is:
Watch a video of the trip below:
For more information, check out the Nomadic Boys’ Uruguay one-week itinerary to help you plan your trip.
Nomadic Boys are Stefan and Sebastien, a gay couple travelling the world since they left their lives in London in 2014. They are currently travelling around South America and you can join them on their next luxury gay cruise to the Galapagos Islands.
Visit nomadicboys.com or follow Stefan and Sebastien’s travels on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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