Clothing Optional: Bart Grzybowski at SUPA
We haven’t done a ‘clothing optional’ column in a while, but we’ve had a lot of interesting characters through Attitude Fashion HQ’s doors this past month, so we thought we’d bring it back with a look at this handsome chap:
Name: Bart Gryzbowski
Agency: Supa Model Management
Starsign: Sagittarius
From: New York, USA
What are you reading at the moment? The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt- I’m about to finish it, I’m on the hook right now. The next one is Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller. It got censored at the time as it has quite sexual content!
What’s your vice? I have a bunch of them!
What are you always getting into trouble for? Being too nice… people mistake kindness for flirtation or take advantage of you, then you have to backtrack and set boundaries (laughs).
What inspires you, outside of modelling? Anyone who is passionate about what they do: artists, scientists, entrepreneurs, people who focus on their craft. People get distracted with social media rather than focusing on something they really care about.
Where is your favourite place modelling has taken you? I love Paris, it’s incredible. Every corner you turn there is an historical monument or something you’ve seen in a movie. It has a lot of history to it.
Follow Bart on his instagram @bartgrzy