Sex and the City star Gilles Marini claims he became a ‘piece of meat’ for Hollywood executives
By Ross Semple

Actor Gilles Marini has claimed he became a “piece of meat” for Hollywood executives following his appearance in the first Sex and the City film.
Marini appeared in the 2008 film and played Dante, a Lothario type character who tried to woo Samantha, played by Kim Cattrall.
The Dancing with the Stars contestant reveals he was approached by several powerful people who all viewed him as a “piece of meat” before and after his appearance in the film.
Speaking to People Magazine, Marini said: “I was approached by extremely powerful people, especially after Sex and the City. I became a piece of meat for many executives in Hollywood.”
The actor then stated it’s difficult for men to come forward about their claims of sexual assault.
“I didn’t see many men use the hashtag #MeToo,” he said, addressing the viral hashtag used by abuse victims on social media. “And the reason is because it’s a stigma, it’s a shame, you lose your manhood.”
Marini also revealed why he didn’t speak about the incidents publicly: “I didn’t have to talk about it because I told them to their face that this is not going to fly, this is not who I am… If this job entails me bending over, it’s not going to work for me.”
Marini’s allegations come after the Harvey Weinstein scandal and Anthony Rapp’s claim that two-time Oscar winner Kevin Spacey sexually assaulted him at the age of 14.
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