Vatican rejects gender theory and same-sex parenting during Pride month
The Church issued a new document claiming gender identity isn't a social social construct
By Steve Brown

Words: Steve Brown
The Vatican rejects gender theory and same-sex parenting during Pride month.
In a 33-page document titled ‘Male and Female He Created Them’ – which was issued by the Congregation for Catholic Education on Monday (June 10) – claimed that gender identity is not a social construct and said no one can change their gender.
It reads: “This ideology inspires educational programmes and legislative trends that promote ideas of personal identity and affective intimacy that make a radical break with the actual biological difference between male and female.”
The document – which aims to offer guidance to Catholic schools on transgender issues – also says there is an ‘educational crisis, especially in the field of affectivity and sexuality’.
It continues: “This oscillation between male and female becomes, at the end of the day, only a ‘provocative’ display against so-called ‘traditional frameworks’ and own which, in fact, ignores the suffering of those who have to live situations of sexual indeterminacy.”
Although the document says the Church strongly condemns any ‘bullying, violence, insults or unjust discrimination’ of children ‘based on their specific characters (such as special needs, race, religion, sexual tendencies etc)’ it does reinforce favouring children growing up with a father and mother.
The Vatican argues that there must be freedom to disagree with the prevailing views on gender as a social construct in parts of the west.
“A democratic state cannot reduce the range of education on offer to a single school of thought,” the text says.
“All the more so in relation to this extremely delicate subject, which is concerned on the one hand with the fundamentals of human nature, and on the other with natural rights of parents to freely choose any educational model that accords with the dignity of the human person.”